

Benjamin Azevedo — Instagram

the purpose of seafood was really to test myself and my own abilities to see where I had gotten to over the course of completing RMIT's Bachelor of Design, Animation and Interactive Digital media. It really did test me, I had a very difficult time completing the film with life throwing almost every hurdle under the sun at me, from mental health issues to family illness, to a global pandemic. it was tough. the process was tough. overall however it got done. The overall process I took was quite simple, doing everything in steps or layers, building upon it one piece at a time. starting with modeling, texturing, rigging if needed, then animating, rendering and finally compositing with plenty of render testing in between it all. In practice, it felt slow. but looking back after each step I was surprised at how quick it was. my favorite part of the parts of production working on my film was definitely the modeling stage, the texturing stage and the rendering stage. I really enjoy making art in 3d and will continue to after I graduate.



